Unable to get response using Jquery.getJSON with m

2019-04-12 15:10发布


I'm trying to get a jSON response using jQuery 1.5.1 with mvc3 and the javascript is silently crashing out. Debugging the server side code i'm definitely passing a populated list to the response.

Some further information in regards to the comments.

The response returned in firebug is thus:

[{"LocationId":"ASXX0413","LocationName":"Albany, Australia"}]

and firebug also recognises it as a jSON object.

My Javascript:

 weatherEvents: function () {

        jQuery("a#getweather").click(function (event) {

            var query = jQuery("#Farm_Weather").val();

            if (query === "") {

            jQuery.getJSON("/Farm/Weather", { location: query }, function (data) {
                var items = [];

                jQuery.each(data, function (key, val) {
                    items.push("<li>" + val.LocationId + " : " + val.LocationName + "</li>");

                jQuery("<ul/>", {
                    "class": "weather-location-list",
                    html: items.join("")

My server side code:

    public JsonResult Weather(string location)
        string requestUrl = string.Format(

        XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
        XmlNodeList nodeList = null;

        // Place a call to Weather.com and search for this location
        nodeList = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("/search/loc");

        // Cast our nodelist and get a new anonymous type.
        var jsonWeather = nodeList.Cast<XmlElement>()
                                  .Select(x => new
                                      LocationId = x.GetAttribute("id"),
                                      LocationName = x.InnerText

        return Json(jsonWeather.ToList(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);


The answer it turns out it quite simple.....

There is a known bug with jQuery 1.5.1 and the jquery.validate plugin shipped with mvc.

further info can be found here and the updated plugin can be found here.


By your code it seems like u r making some tree structure with Ul li and appending it too a div with the json that you are getting .

you can make a ajax request and return the json object as a string.

Some sample code for U.

ViewData["JsonStr"] = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(objTree);

//here objTree is my composite that i want to to serialize and interpret it on client side.

objOS = Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.deserialize(jsonData)

its a work around that can help you out.