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Install error with Kurento on ubuntu
3 answers
After trying the following as specified on the kurento website,
git clone
cd kurento-tutorial-java/kurento-one2one-call-advanced
mvn compile exec:java
I get an error like :
Failed to execute goal on project kurento-client: Could not resolve
dependencies for project
org.kurento:kurento-client:jar:6.1.1-SNAPSHOT: The following artifacts
could not be resolved:
org.kurento:kms-api-filters:jar:6.1.1-SNAPSHOT: Could not find
artifact org.kurento:kurento-jsonrpc-client:jar:6.1.1-SNAPSHOT ->
How best can i resolve such a dependency issue ?
You have checked out the development version of the tutorials, 6.1.1-SNAPSHOT, which depends on other development versions of kurento artifacts. Those artifacts are not published in maven central, so you have three options here
- Check out kurento-java and all related projects, such as kurento-module-creator and a bunch more. You can pull the thread from the pom, they are about 5 projects. You'll have to compile and install all of them in your local
- Use our internal archiva repository
- Checkout a tag containing a release version (i.e.
git co 6.1.0
In any case, the version of the tutorials should match the version of your KMS, so if you are using a development version of KMS, please use the development version of the tutorials. But if you are using a stable version of KMS, you should be using the matching release version of the tutorials.
You can find more info on how to work with development versions here
Try checking out Kurento Java and run mvn install on that first. That should place those missing jars in your maven repo, so those dependencies can then be found when you compile the tutorial.