Here is my issue, one of the rcvfrom() parameters is a char * and once I got the data from it I want to convert it to a struct. However, the cast is unsuccessful. What am I doing wrong?
Here is what I did:
struct {
int8_t seq;
int8_t ack;
bool flag;
char data[payload];
//...bunch of codes
char *buf = NULL;
buf = (char *)malloc (sizeof(char) * MTU);
memset(buf, 0, MTU);
res = recvfrom(socket_fd, buf, MTU, 0,(struct sockaddr *) &cli_addr, (socklen_t *)&cli_len);
r_pckt *tmp_pckt = (struct r_pckt *) &buf;
And it does not work. Any ideas?
typedef struct {
int8_t seq;
int8_t ack;
bool flag;
char data[payload];
} r_pckt;
The above makes r_pckt a type, not a variable. Then,
r_pckt *tmp_pckt = (struct r_pckt *) &buf;
should be
r_pckt *tmp_pckt = (r_pckt *) buf;
r_pckt is not a struct name, but variable name. Try
struct r_pckt {
int8_t seq;
int8_t ack;
bool flag;
char data[payload];
And yes, Mark is right, you need no & there.
P.S. Actually, when "it does not work", it also provides you with meaningful error messages that are worth reading.
You need to remove the & in the cast. And (as others already pointed out), you have an inconsistency in the structure definition and the variable declaration. I think most compilers would catch that, so I suspect a cut-n-paste error when posting the question.
struct r_pckt *tmp_pckt = (struct r_pckt *) buf;
r_pckt *tmp_pckt = (struct r_pckt *) &buf;
should be:
r_pckt *tmp_pckt = (struct r_pckt *) buf;
The buf variable is a pointer type and already points to the memory allocated via malloc. Taking the address of it gives you the address of the memory holding the address of your data.
Also fix the structure declaration as per Michael's post and you'll be set.