Can anyone give me an example of how I can use segmented stacks with boost coroutines? Do I have to annotate every function that is called from the coroutine with a special split-stack
When I try and write a program that should use segmented stacks, it just segfaults.
Here is what I have done so far The code seems to segfault very quickly, if segmented stacks were used I would expect it to be able to handle more iterations. The program errors out after 35 iterations.
#include <boost/coroutine2/all.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
class Int {
int a{2};
void foo(int num) {
cout << "In iteration " << num << endl;
std::array<Int, 1000> arr;
foo(num + 1);
int main() {
using Coroutine_t = boost::coroutines2::coroutine<int>::push_type;
auto coro = Coroutine_t{[&](auto& yield) {