I'm using Coq 8.5pl1.
To make a contrived but illustrative example,
(* fix so simpl will automatically unfold. *)
Definition double := fix f n := 2*n.
Theorem contrived n : double (2 + n) = 2 + double (1 + n).
Now, I only want to simplify the arguments to double,
and not any part outside of it. (For example, because the
rest has already carefully been put into the correct form.)
S (S (n + S (S (n + 0)))) = S (S (S (n + S (n + 0))))
This converted the outside (2 + ...) to (S (S ...)) as well as unfolding double.
I can match one of them by doing:
match goal with | |- (double ?A) = _ => simpl A end.
double (S (S n)) = 2 + double (1 + n)
How do I say that I want to simplify all of them?
That is, I want to get
double (S (S n)) = 2 + double (S n)
without having to put a separate pattern for each call to double.
I can simplify except for double itself with
remember double as x; simpl; subst x.
double (S (S n)) = S (S (double (S n)))
Opaque/Transparent approach
Combining the results of this answer and this one, we get the following solution:
Opaque double.
simpl (double _).
Transparent double.
We use the pattern capability of simpl
to narrow down its "action domain", and Opaque
to forbid (allow resp.) unfolding of double
Custom tactic approach
We can also define a custom tactic for simplifying arguments:
(* simplifies the first argument of a function *)
Ltac simpl_arg_of function :=
repeat multimatch goal with
| |- context [function ?A] =>
let A' := eval cbn -[function] in A in
change A with A'
That let A' := ...
construction is needed to protect nested functions from simplification. Here is a simple test:
Fact test n :
82 + double (2 + n)
double (1 + double (1 + 20)) + double (1 * n).
simpl_arg_of double.
The above results in
82 + double (S (S n)) = double (S (double 21)) + double (n + 0)
Had we used something like context [function ?A] => simpl A
in the definition of simpl_arg_of
, we would've gotten
82 + double (S (S n)) = double 43 + double (n + 0)
Arguments directive approach
As suggested by @eponier in comments, we can take advantage of yet another form of simpl
-- simpl <qualid>
, which the manual (sect. 8.7.4) defines as:
This applies simpl
only to the applicative subterms whose head occurrence is the unfoldable constant qualid (the constant can be referred to by its notation using string if such a notation exists).
The Opaque
approach doesn't work with it, however we can block unfolding of double
using the Arguments
Arguments double : simpl never.
simpl double.
You may find the ssreflect pattern selection language and rewrite mechanism useful here. For instance, you can have a finer grained control with patterns + the simpl operator /=
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect.
Definition double := fix f n := 2*n.
Theorem contrived n : double (2 + n) = 2 + double (1 + n).
rewrite ![_+n]/=.
Will display:
n : nat
double (S (S n)) = 2 + double (S n)
You can also use anonymous rewrite rules:
rewrite (_ : double (2+n) = 2 + double (1+n)) //.
I would personally factor the rewrite in smaller lemmas:
Lemma doubleE n : double n = n + n.
Proof. by elim: n => //= n ihn; rewrite -!plus_n_Sm -plus_n_O. Qed.
Lemma doubleS n : double (1 + n) = 2 + double n.
Proof. by rewrite !doubleE /= -plus_n_Sm. Qed.
Theorem contrived n : double (1+n) = 2 + double n.
rewrite doubleS.