I have the following class
class Person {
public String name;
public int age;
public List<String> hobbies;
Person(String name, int age, List<String> hobbies)
{this.name = name; this.age = age; this.hobbies = hobbies;}
How do I create a Map of age to hobbies like Map<Integer, Set<String>>
The Java 8 way I cooked up is:
Map<Integer, Set<String>> collect8 = persons.stream()
p -> p.age,
p -> p.hobbies.stream().collect(toSet()),
(hobbies1, hobbies2) ->
Stream.concat(hobbies1.stream(), hobbies2.stream()).collect(toSet())
Is there a more idiomatic way of doing this with Collectors.groupingBy()
As a related question, I find the version without Java streams to be more readable.
Map<Integer, Set<String>> collect7 = new HashMap<>();
for(Person p: persons) {
Set<String> hobbies = collect7.getOrDefault(p.age, new HashSet<>());
collect7.put(p.age, hobbies);
Should we go with non streams code if it is easier to read; specially when the streamed version, as seen here, has no intermediate streams with transformations of the data but quickly end in a terminal operation?
As you noted yourself: the Stream
solution might not be as readable as your current non-Stream
-solution. Solving your problem with groupingBy
might not look as good as you might expect as you want to transform your List
into a Set
I constructed a solution with groupingBy
, mapping
and reducing
, but that solution is not that easy to read and did even contain an error. You can read more about that in: Java 8 stream.collect( ... groupingBy ( ... mapping( ... reducing ))) reducing BinaryOperator-usage I really suggest to look up the answer Holger gave as it also contains a simpler solution using a custom Collector
and a little Outlook to Java 9's flatMapping
, which for me comes close to your non-Stream
But another solution using groupingBy
I came up with and that actually works is the following:
Map<Integer, Set<String>> yourmap;
yourmap = personList.stream()
.flatMap(p -> p.hobbies.stream()
.flatMap(hobby -> Stream.of(new SimpleEntry<>(p.age, hobby)))
Collectors.mapping(Entry::getValue, Collectors.toSet())));
for that you need the following imports:
import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
Of course you can take also a Tuple
or Pair
or what you like the most.
But then again not better in any ways.
I would stay with your current non-Stream
-solution. It is more readable and does what it should do.
Look at similar example from Java 8 Collectors documentation:
Map<City, Set<String>> namesByCity
= people.stream().collect(groupingBy(Person::getCity, TreeMap::new,
mapping(Person::getLastName, toSet())));
You could use the same approach here.