I am trying to use Database.Persistant to make a database for a Scotty app, and I cannot figure out the syntax for adding a foreign key constraint between tables. For example, I have a User
table and a Post
table, and I want the Post
table to have an attribute authorId
which references UserId
in User
. This can be accomplished quite easily in raw SQL, but I want to be able to access the data through haskell without resorting to raw sql commands. Also, the constraints would be overwritting upon database migrations. This is what I have at the moment to define the database:
share [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkMigrate "migrateAll"]
name String
email String
username String
Primary username
deriving Show
title String
content T.Text
author String
deriving Show
This is fine, but has no key constraints, which can be a very bad thing.
If I try to add a foreign key constraint like the wiki on github says, by adding the line Foreign User authorfk author
to the Post
block, it compiles fine, but nothing happens; no migration takes place and no foreign key constraint is introduced.
What am I doing wrong? Any assistance or advise would be greatly appreciated.
To be clear, what i want is the author attribute in Post to reference an existing username in User.
uses the Haskell type system to generate foreign keys. That’s why there is no specific field type to indicate a field references a record in another table.
You should use the key type that Persistent
created automatically to indicate the key.
Say I have User
and Article
tables. Persistent
will generate the UserId
and ArticleId
for you. You will then use them to indicate references like in this example:
username Text
password Text
email Text
description Text Maybe
active Bool
UniqueUser username
UniqueEmail email
deriving Typeable
artname Text
title Text
keywords Text Maybe
description Text Maybe
body Markdown
parent ArticleId Maybe -- optional Foreign Key
user UserId -- required Foreign Key
lastUpdate UTCTime
weight Int
public Bool
UniqueArt artname
deriving Typeable
This model says:
- An
may hold a reference to another Article
with the parent
field of type ArticleId Maybe
- An
must hold a reference to a User
with the user
field of type UserId
This example will generate the following article
table in PostgreSQL:
Table "public.article"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | integer | not null (...)
artname | character varying | not null
title | character varying | not null
body | character varying | not null
parent | bigint |
user | bigint | not null
last_update | timestamp with time zone | not null
weight | bigint | not null
public | boolean | not null
keywords | character varying |
description | character varying |
"article_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"unique_art" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (artname)
Foreign-key constraints:
"article_parent_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (parent)
REFERENCES article(id)
"article_user_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("user")
REFERENCES "user"(id)
Referenced by:
TABLE "article" CONSTRAINT "article_parent_fkey"
FOREIGN KEY (parent)
REFERENCES article(id)
Note: If you use SQLite, you must ensure that foreign keys support is enabled. See → SQLite Foreign Key Support: Enabling Foreign Key Support