How to get the list of price offers on an item fro

2019-04-12 01:03发布


I am trying to write a function to get a list of offers (their prices) for an item based on the ASIN:

def price_offers(asin):
    from amazonproduct import API, ResultPaginator, AWSError
    from config import AWS_KEY, SECRET_KEY
    api = API(AWS_KEY, SECRET_KEY, 'de')
    str_asin = str(asin)
    node = api.item_lookup(id=str_asin, ResponseGroup='Offers', Condition='All', MerchantId='All')
    for a in node:
        print a.Offer.OfferListing.Price.FormattedPrice

I am reading and trying to make this work, but all the time it just says:

Failure instance: Traceback: <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>: no such child: {}Offer


Seems like there is no Offer element in your response. Try

node = api.item_lookup(...)
from lxml import etree
print etree.tostring(node, pretty_print=True)

to see how the returned XML looks like.


OK, thanks. To anwser my own question for others who might have the same problem, the right way to do the above is:

def price_offers(asin):
    from amazonproduct import API, ResultPaginator, AWSError
    from config import AWS_KEY, SECRET_KEY
    api = API(AWS_KEY, SECRET_KEY, 'de')
    str_asin = str(asin)
    node = api.item_lookup(id=str_asin, ResponseGroup='Offers', Condition='All', MerchantId='All')
    for a in node.Items.Item.Offers.Offer:
        print a.OfferListing.Price.FormattedPrice

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