I've been hearing these two words used in Microsoft tutorials for VB.NET. What is the difference between these two words when used in reference to variables?
Value vis-a-vis Reference Types
Variables in C# are in 1 of 2 groups. Value types or Reference types. Types like int
and DateTime
are value types. In contrast, any class you create is a reference type. C# strings are also a reference type. Most things in the .NET framework are reference types.
Parts of a Variable
There is the variable name and it's value. Two parts.
The variable's name is what you declare it to be. The value is what you assign to it.
Variables are Initialized
All variables are always given an initial value at the point the variable is declared. Thus all variables are initialized.
For value types, like int
the compiler will give them a valid value if you do not do so explicitly. int
's initialize to zero by default, DateTime
's initialize to DateTime.MinValue
by default.
Reference type variables initialize to the object you give it. The compiler will not assign an object (i.e. a valid value) if you don't. In this case the value is null
- nothing. So we say that the reference is initialized to null.
Objects are Instantiated
Humans are born. Objects are instantiated. A baby is an instance of a Human, an object is an instance of some Class.
The act of creating an instance of a Class is called instantiation (Ta-Da!)
So declare, initialize, and instantiate come together like this
MyClass myClassyReference= new MyClass();
In the above, it is wrong to say "... creating an instance of an object..."
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
A reference type variable's name and value exists independently. And I do mean independent.
An instantiated object may or may not have a reference to it.
An instantiated object may have many references to it.
A declared reference may or may not be pointing to an object.
A variable is initialized with a value. An object is instantiated when memory is allocated for it and it's constructor has been run.
For instance here is a variable:
Dim obj as Object
This variable has not been initialized. Once I assign a value to the obj
variable, the variable will be initialized. Here are examples of initialization:
obj = 1
obj = "foo"
Instantiation is a very different thing but is related since instantiation is usually followed by initialization:
Dim obj As New Object()
In the preceding line of code, the obj
variable is initialized with the reference to the new Object
that was instantiated. We say that the new Object
was instantiated because we have created a new instance of it.
Now I believe that VB.NET makes this a lot more confusing than C# because it is not clear that an assignment is taking place in the code above. In C# it is much clearer that there is both an instantiation of an instance and an initialization of a variable:
Object obj = new Object();
To initialize something is to set it to its initial value. To instantiate something is to create an instance of it.
Often this is the more or less same thing. This:
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection();
instantiates a SqlConnection
object, and initializes the conn
variable by setting it to the that instance.
Since an object's constructor also sets the object's properties to their default values, it's often correct to say that instantiating an object initializes it. (Misleading, if the object exposes a method that you have to explictly call to initialize it after it's instantiated, as is sometimes the case.)
*Instantiation means to create an instance for a class or object.Initialization means to *initiate the same object or class for any purpose.**
Instantiated means that an instance of the object has been created. Initiated means that that same object has done some initialization.
When you instantiate a class or object, you're creating a new instance of it, or allocating memory to "hold" one. Initializing that object would be the instructions that are performed during instantiation.
Instantiation is when you create an instance of a class. That instance is then an object, and you can set its properties, or call methods on it (tell it to do things).
Initiation is when you set up a set of initial conditions for something. That something might be an object, where you tell it to initiate itself, or just a variable to which you assign a value.
An object might initialise some other things, or even instantiate other objects as part of its initiation.
The difference is that instantiation is creation of a thing that can do stuff; initiation is stuff that gets done.
See the Java docs: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/javaOO/objectcreation.html
"Point originOne = new Point(23, 94);
Declaration: The code set in bold are all variable declarations that associate a variable name with an object type.
Instantiation: The new keyword is a Java operator that creates the object.
Initialization: The new operator is followed by a call to a constructor, which initializes the new object."
Instantiation refers to the allocation of memory to create an instance of a class whereas initialization refers to naming that instance by assigning the variable name to that instance.
Eg: SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection();
Here new
is a keyword which allocates memory for an instance and conn
is a variable name assigned for that instance.
Others have explained the difference, so I wont go into detail. But there are cases where instantiation does not properly initialize an object. When you instantiate an object you also initialize it with some data. The class/type will have the initialization logic, whereas the instantiation logic is typically carried out by thenew
keyword (basically memory allocation, reference copying etc). But instantiation need not necessarily result in a valid state for objects which is when we can say the object is uninitialzed. Here's a practical example where an object can be instantiated but not initialized (sorry e.g. in C#).
class P { string name = "Ralf"; }
WriteLine(new P().name); // "Ralf";
WriteLine((FormatterServices.GetUninitializedObject(typeof(P)) as P).name); // null
doesn't call the constructor to instantiate object there (but some internal magic).
One could also argue value types are not instantiated but only initialized as it doesn't need new allocation when you do new..
but that's up to one's definition of instantiation.
We can see it this way. For a line of code below:
var p = new Person();
The above line can be read as following two ways:
- The variable p has been initialized as a person class
- Person class has been instantiated in variable p
The subject of reference or context matters. When talking in terms of variable, we use the word initialize. When talking in terms of class/type, we use the word instantiate.