I was trying to use a functor as a std::function
object inside a class template. Below is what I have done so far.
//! the functor class template
template<typename T>
struct func
void operator ()(T t)
std::cout << t << "\n";
//! the class template that holds a std::function object as a member
template<typename T>
struct Foo
std::function<void(T)> bar = func<T>();
int main()
Foo<int> foo;
return 0;
It was complained that
error: conversion from 'func<int>' to non-scalar type 'std::function<void(int)>' requested
struct Foo
Is it possible to do so? How to fix it?
You can either make it static and initialize it outside class-scope, or initialize it in the constructor. Tested on GCC 4.7.2.
template<typename T>
struct Foo
static std::function<void(T)> bar;
template <typename T>
std::function<void(T)> Foo<T>::bar = func<T>();
In C++11, you can also use brace-initialization:
std::function<void(T)> bar { func<T>() };
Different ways to use std::function in a non-static data member initializer
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
template<typename T>
struct func
void operator ()(T t)
std::cout << "Function: " << t << "\n";
// FIX: error: conversion from ‘func<int>’ to non-scalar type
// ‘std::function<void(int)>’ requested
operator std::function<void(T)> () { return std::function<void(T)>(*this); }
template<typename T>
struct Foo
std::function<void(T)> bar0 = std::function<void(T)>(func<T>());
std::function<void(T)> bar1{func<T>()};
// Error without ENABLE_CONVERSION
std::function<void(T)> bar2 = func<T>();
static std::function<void(T)> bar3;
void operator() () {
template<typename T>
std::function<void(T)> Foo<T>::bar3 = func<T>();
template<typename T>
void goo() {
// This compiles without ENABLE_CONVERSION:
// What is the difference to non-static data member initializers ?
std::function<void(T)> g = func<T>();
int main()
Foo<int> foo;
return 0;
Additional question
I tried to find differences between variable brace-or-equal-initializer
and the non-static data member brace-or-equal-initializer. I found nothing.
What is the difference between
std::function<void(T)> bar2 = func<T>();
std::function<void(T)> g = func<T>();
In your case std::function is optional, use direct functor itself.
//! the functor class template
template<typename T>
struct func
void operator ()(T t)
std::cout << t << "\n";
//! the class template that holds a std::function object as a member
template<typename T>
struct Foo
//std::function<void(T)> bar = func<T>(); <-- **removed, because std::function isn't cheap as func<T>**.
func<T> bar;//default initialized itself.
int main()
Foo<int> foo;
foo.bar(24);//prints 24.
return 0;
In common case, move template from struct declration to the operator, i.e. as:
struct func
template< typename T >
void operator()(T t ) const { std::cout << t << '\n'; }
struct Foo
func m_func;
int main(){
Foo f;
f.m_func(24); // prints 24
f.m_func("hello world"); // prints "hello world"
f.m_func(3.143); // prints 3.143
// and etc.,
in c++14, std::less<>, std::greater<> and more other functors template keyword moved to the operator declaration, instead of struct declaration, it's help more generic comparation.
Edit2: You may use following technicus:
struct func{
template< typename T > void operator()(T t) const{ std::cout << t << '\n';}
template< typename T, typename Functor> // Functor as template
struct Foo
Functor m_Functor; //--> functor member
T m_Data; // or something else.
// create `makeFoo` for auto deduced functor type.
template< typename T, typename Functor>
Foo<T,Functor> makeFoo(Functor f, T t ) { return {f,t}; }
int print(int i, int j){ std::cout << i+j << '\n' ;}
int main()
auto foo = makeFoo(24, func{} );
// use foo
auto foo2 = makeFoo("hello", std::bind(print, 2, _1) );
// use foo2