how to store binary file recieved by Flask into po

2019-04-11 16:05发布


I currently have a Flask route that reveives file content via POST, and that stores it on the file system, ex:

@app.route('/upload', methods=['POST'])
def upload_file():

    def allowed_file(f):
        return True

    file = request.files['file']
    if file and allowed_file(file.filename):
        filename = secure_filename(file.filename), filename))
        return "", 200

I would like to store it in a BYTEA column in postgres, I am not sure how to bind the "data" argument to the insert statement

     INSERT INTO uploaded_file(id, name, type, data) 
     VALUES (:id, :name, :type, %(:data)s)""",
     {"id": str(id),"name": file.filename,"type": "...","data": ???}


The objects in request.files are FileStorage objects. They have the same methods as normal file objects in python.

So, to get the contents of the file as binary, just do this:

data = request.files['file'].read()

Then pass that parameter into the INSERT.