Here are my costume functions that I wrote for the menu and submenu in my wordpress theme, but after I tested it the submenu disappeared when I clicked on a submenu, because wordpress doesn't separate categories from subcategories, so the parameter for them is "cat", which means that when I click on a submenu then the function that creates the submenu checks if cat=id in the url has child categories but it doesn't because it is a child category, I am new into wordpress and I don't know how to deal with this:
function costume_menu() {
$categories = get_categories('hide_empty=0&style=none&parent=0');
foreach ($categories as $category) {
(is_category($category->term_id)) ? $active = 'class="active_menu"' : $active = '';
$nav = '<li>';
$nav .= '<a '.$active.'href="'.get_category_link($category->term_id).'">'.strtoupper($category->cat_name).'</a>';
$nav .= '</li>';
echo $nav;
function costume_submenu($cat) {
$categories = get_categories("child_of=$cat&hide_empty=0");
foreach ($categories as $category) {
(is_category($category->term_id)) ? $active = 'class="active_menu"' : $active = '';
$nav = '<li>';
$nav .= '<a '.$active.'href="'.get_category_link($category->term_id).'">'.strtoupper($category->cat_name).'</a>';
$nav .= '</li>';
echo $nav;