I'm currently developing a Toolbar from Google Chrome. Basically it's a toolbar that i'm injecting in every web pages by using a Content-Script. Technically the toolbar is materializd by a iframe that include all the components like button, dropMenu,... Here is the script you make this :
// Take down the webPage
document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].style.marginTop = '39px';
var body = $('body'),
toolbarURL = chrome.extension.getURL("yourtoolbar.html"),
iframe = $('<iframe id="YourToolbarFrame" scrolling="no" src="'+toolbarURL+'">');
// Insertion
// Effect
But right now i'm trying to add some component on this iframe for example a button but it didn't work...
var yt = $("#YourToolbarFrame");
var newButton = $('<a href="javascript:openInstantMessage()"><input type="image" src="images/pop.ico" name="InstantMessage" width="23" height="23"></a>');
The body of the iframe look like this :
<div class="default">
Hope someone can provide me some help ! :)