AdMob Native Ads Express not receiving test ads

2019-04-11 05:51发布


I am familiar with AdMob and with banner and interstials. I'm adding native ads functionality and something weird is happening because even if using the same AdRequest as for insterstitials/banners, for banners/interstitials I am getting test ads but for native ads, I get the live ones.

 adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder().addTestDevice(AdRequest.DEVICE_ID_EMULATOR).addTestDevice("mydeviceIdFromLogcat").build();

So my question is, native ads do not have test ads?


No. Native ads do not provide test ads the way we are used to (via addTestDevice() on AdRequest).

From the Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers group conversation on this subject:

Veer Arjun Busani(Mobile Ads SDK Team) - For now, you would not be able to load test ads for Native Ad Express and I do not have any ETA on when this might change.

Note that depending on your country and ISP, you may use test Ad Unit ID (Native Ads Avanced documentation). Personally I never make them work (Received error HTTP response code: 403 logs.