How to create a MasterDetailPage using MvvmCross?

2019-04-11 05:23发布


I'm trying to develop a Xamarin.Forms app using MvvmCross and I'd like to use a Hamburguer Menu (MasterDetailPage), but I don't know how to do it. I tried different ways, searched for tutorials and samples, but I don't had success. Can anyone help me?


As you can see here MvvmCross Playground, you should create first a RootViewModel, MenuViewModel, and FirstViewModel for example. Then create and a RootPage, MenuPage and FirstPage on your UI folder.

Your RootViewModel should look like this:

public class RootViewModel : BaseViewModel
    private readonly IMvxNavigationService _navigationService;
    public RootViewModel(IMvxNavigationService navigationService)
        _navigationService = navigationService;

    public override void ViewAppearing()

        MvxNotifyTask.Create(async ()=> await this.InitializeViewModels();

    private async Task InitializeViewModels()
        await _navigationService.Navigate<MenuViewModel>();
        await _navigationService.Navigate<FirstViewModel>();

edit: I move the navigation to an async task to avoid using async void.

The xaml RootPage must implement MvxMasterDetailPage:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<views:MvxMasterDetailPage x:TypeArguments="viewModels:RootViewModel"

and c# code behind use the presenter like this:

[MvxMasterDetailPagePresentation(MasterDetailPosition.Root, WrapInNavigationPage = false)]
public partial class RootPage : MvxMasterDetailPage<RootViewModel>
    public RootPage()

    protected override void OnAppearing()

MenuPage must be normal MvxContentPage and c# code behind implement on menu page the presenter:


And FirstPage are MvxContentPage too and all the detail pages must be:

[MvxMasterDetailPagePresentation(MasterDetailPosition.Detail, NoHistory = true)]

Add the no history to all pages in master detail to prevent navigation back bug.

edit: i forgot, there's a bug that make menu doesn't close after navigate, probably they'll fix on version 6 of MvvmCross, to fix it now you must paste this in your navigation task before execute the navigation:

if(Application.Current.MainPage is MasterDetailPage masterDetailPage)
    masterDetailPage.IsPresented = false; 
else if(Application.Current.MainPage is NavigationPage navigationPage && navigationPage.CurrentPage is MasterDetailPage nestedMasterDetail)
    nestedMasterDetail.IsPresented = false;