I'm running a Google Kubernetes Engine with the "private-cluster" option. I've also defined "authorized Master Network" to be able to remotely access the environment - this works just fine. Now I want to setup some kind of CI/CD pipeline using Google Cloud Build - after successfully building a new docker image, this new image should be automatically deployed to GKE. When I first fired of the new pipeline, the deployment to GKE failed - the error message was something like: "Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:443: i/o timeout". As I had the "authorized master networks" option under suspicion for being the root cause for the connection timeout, I've added to the allowed networks and started the Cloud Build job again - this time everything went well and after the docker image was created it was deployed to GKE. Good.
The only problem that remains is that I dont really want to allow the whole internet being able to access my Kubernetes master - thats a bad idea, isn't it?
Are there more elegant solutions to narrow down access by using allowed master networks and also being able to deploy via cloud build?