I have 2 array:
var array1 = [[5,10],[6,10],[7,10],[8,10],[9,10]];
var array2 = [[1,10],[2,10],[3,10],[4,10],[5,40],[6,40]];
Want to get 1 merged array with the sum of corresponding keys;
var array1 = [[1,10],[2,10],[3,10],[4,10],[5,50],[6,50],[7,10],[8,10],[9,10]];
Both arrays have unique keys, but the corresponding keys needs to be summed.
I tried loops, concat, etc but can't get the result i need.
anybody done this before?
This is one way to do it:
var sums = {}; // will keep a map of number => sum
// for each input array (insert as many as you like)
[array1, array2].forEach(function(array) {
//for each pair in that array
array.forEach(function(pair) {
// increase the appropriate sum
sums[pair[0]] = pair[1] + (sums[pair[0]] || 0);
// now transform the object sums back into an array of pairs
var results = [];
for(var key in sums) {
results.push([key, sums[key]]);
See it in action.
You can use .reduce()
to pass along an object that tracks the found sets, and does the addition.
DEMO: http://jsfiddle.net/aUXLV/
var array1 = [[5,10],[6,10],[7,10],[8,10],[9,10]];
var array2 = [[1,10],[2,10],[3,10],[4,10],[5,40],[6,40]];
var result =
.reduce(function(ob, ar) {
if (!(ar[0] in ob.nums)) {
ob.nums[ar[0]] = ar
} else
ob.nums[ar[0]][1] += ar[1]
return ob
}, {nums:{}, result:[]}).result
If you need the result to be sorted, then add this to the end:
.sort(function(a,b) {
return a[0] - b[0];
a short routine can be coded using [].map()
var array1 = [[5,10],[6,10],[7,10],[8,10],[9,10]];
var array2 = [[1,10],[2,10],[3,10],[4,10],[5,40],[6,40]];
var v=this[a[0]]=this[a[0]]||[a[0]];
return this;
//shows: [[1,10],[2,10],[3,10],[4,10],[5,50],[6,50],[7,10],[8,10],[9,10]]
i like how it's just 3 line of code, doesn't need any internal function calls like push() or sort() or even an if() statement.
Try this:
var array1 = [[5,10],[6,10],[7,10],[8,10],[9,10]];
var array2 = [[1,10],[2,10],[3,10],[4,10],[5,40],[6,40]];
var res = [];
someReasonableName(array1, res);
someReasonableName(array2, res);
function someReasonableName(arr, res) {
var arrLen = arr.length
, i = 0
for(i; i < arrLen; i++) {
var ar = arr[i]
, index = ar[0]
, value = ar[1]
if(!res[index]) {
res[index] = [index, 0];
res[index][1] += value;
console.log(JSON.stringify(res, null, 2));
So, the result may have holes. Just like 0
th index. Use the below function if you want to ensure there are no holes.
function compact(arr) {
var i = 0
, arrLen = arr.length
, res = []
for(i; i < arrLen; i++) {
var v = arr[i]
if(v) {
res[res.length] = v;
return res;
So, you can do:
var holesRemoved = compact(res);
And finally if you don't want the 0
th elem of res
. Do res.shift();
Disclaimer: I am not good with giving reasonable names.