I'm wondering if it's possible (recommended might be the better word) to use sed to convert URLs into HTML hyperlinks in a document. Therefore, it would look for things like:
And replace them with
<a href="http://something.com">http://something.com</a>
Any thoughts? Could the same also be done for email addresses?
This might work.
sed -i -e "s|http[:]//[^ ]*|<a href=\"\0\">\0</a>|g" yourfile.txt
It depends on the url being followed by a space (which isn't always the case).
You could do similar for e-mails with.
sed -i -e "s|\w+@\w+\.\w+(\.\w+)?|<a href=\"mailto:\0\">\0</a>|g" yourfile.txt
Those might get you started. I suggest leaving off the -i option to test your output before making the changes inline.
you can use awk
awk '
if ($i ~ /http/){
$i="<a href=\042"$i"\042>"$i"</a>"
} 1 ' file
$ cat file
blah http://something.com test http://something.org
$ ./shell.sh
blah <a href="http://something.com">http://something.com</a> test <a href="http://something.org">http://something.org</a>
sed -i.bakup 's|http.[^ \t]*|<a href="&">&</a>|' htmlfile
While you could use sed, and I will typically only use sed if I need something that's write-only (that is, it only needs to work and doesn't need to be maintained).
I find the Python regular expression library to be more accessible (and gives the ability to add more powerful constructs).
import re
import sys
def href_repl(matcher):
"replace the matched URL with a hyperlink"
# here you could analyze the URL further and make exceptions, etc
# to how you did the substitution. For now, do a simple
# substitution.
href = matcher.group(0)
return '<a href="{href}">{href}</a>'.format(**vars())
text = open(sys.argv[1]).read()
url_pattern = re.compile(re.escape('http://') + '[^ ]*')
sys.stdout.write(url_pattern.sub(href_repl, text))
Personally, I find that much easier to read and maintain.
The file contain the following content
The following code will give the
correct output
sed -r 's/(.*)/\<a href="\1">\1\<\/a\>/' file