I'm using Paperclip to upload a image
here my paperclip configuration
has_attached_file :avatar,
:path => ":rails_root/public/users/:id/avatar/:style/avatar.jpg",
:url => "/users/:id/avatar/:style/avatar.jpg",
:default_url => "/missing/users/:style/missing.png",
:styles => {"47x47" => "47x47", "228x228" => "228x228","185x176"=>"185x176","pitch_planner"=>"262x129!"},
:convert_options => {"47x47" => "-background black -gravity center -extent 47x47",
"228x228" => "-background black -gravity center -extent 228x228","185x176" => "-background black -gravity center -extent 185x176"}
Now what if I want is to generate a resize image of missing.png depending upon the "style" How to achieve this in paperclip
One way to do it resize the image manually and store it inside folder pitch_planner or what ever styles you want to resize for
can it be done in programmatically through paperclip