I have been learning prolog.. I'm using a editor named prol1.1.1 I need to write rule to compare 2 strings, when i give something like
associatedWith(X,Y,Z) :- rel(X,Y),rel(Y,Z).
?- associatedWith(X,Y,Z).
it works
but when i give
?- associatedWith(X,Y,Z),X=\=Z.
i get parser exception
Parser exception [Should be evaluable ''a2''[7:31]] line 7:31
what i got from websites is =\= is for numeric values, i wasn't able to get answer for comparing string values.. can anyone help me..
and i wasn't able to get gui for swi-prolog can u please help me with that too? i need to use the call prolog from java program and the output has to be again processed in java, can anyone please help me..