Socialauth API 4.3 with Google Oauth 2.0

2019-04-10 17:00发布


Does anyone know how to use Brickred Socialauth API 4.3 in servlets with Google Oauth 2.0? Where could I get the *consumer_secret* and *consumer_key*?

Was using the API successful at your side?


The instructions available on the BrickRed wiki no longer work as you have already found out. The following should work assuming:

A. You are using socialauth 4.2+. I tested these with socialauth 4.4.
B. You are trying to configure your own domain and not using the brickred domain for testing.
C. You are creating a web application, else adjust accordingly

  1. First register your application on Google Cloud console:
    a. Go to
    b. Login
    c. Create a new project
    d. APIs & Auth > Credentials
    e. Create New Client ID ( Application Type: Web Application, Authorized redirect URL: http://YOUR_HOST_NAME/socialauth.html)
  2. Modify brickred properties.xml
    <prop key=""></prop>
    <prop key="">YC06FqhmCLWvtBg/O4W/aJfj</prop>


    <prop key="">CLIENT ID created in Step 1.e above</prop>
    <prop key="">Client Secret created in Step 1.e above </prop>

If you are not using Spring, modify

Modify the link in your application where the user clicks on to start the contacts import process:



Hope this helps


You can register your app to use Google OAuth at:

from where you get your "secret / key".

I have successfully implemented SocialAuth with Facebook and it worked properly. I still don't have any experience implementing it with google OAuth2 but it should work. Their CDI example does authenticate with Google, I am just not sure if using Oauth1 or Oauth2.



For people who cannot find the consumer_secret, I found a solution:

socialauth is using web flow. So if you are socialauth-android you need to create web application instead of installed application.

So even for an Android App, you still need create a Client ID for web project. The secret will be displayed in page directly!