I am using wicket 1.5 and I am not able to see in the getClientInfo()
I saw the other place this code
WebClientInfo clientInfo = (WebClientInfo)WebRequestCycle.get().getClientInfo();
But I am not able to see any WebRequestCycle in Wicket 1.5.
Any ideas how to check the user agent in Wicket 1.5?
The easiest way is to use
On newer Wicket Versions (6 or newer), you should use:
WebClientInfo clientInfo = new WebClientInfo(getRequestCycle());
System.out.println("Client: " + clientInfo.getUserAgent());
System.out.println("Navigator: " + clientInfo.getProperties().getNavigatorAppName() + ", version " + clientInfo.getProperties().getNavigatorAppVersion() + ", codName: " + clientInfo.getProperties().getNavigatorAppCodeName() + ", plataform: " + clientInfo.getProperties().getNavigatorPlatform() + ", AppCodName: " + clientInfo.getProperties().getNavigatorAppCodeName());
System.out.println("NavigatorUserAgent: " + clientInfo.getProperties().getNavigatorUserAgent());
System.out.println("Tamanho da tela (Width x Height): " + clientInfo.getProperties().getScreenWidth() + " x " + clientInfo.getProperties().getScreenHeight() );
You can also do:
((WebRequest) getRequest()).getHeader("User-Agent")