I am on latest glassfish (3.1.2) - so no need for apache FileItem and no bugs with getPart(). I read that the best practice on uploading images is saving them on the file system (see here for instance). I am editing already existing code - smelly at that - so I had the idea to do :
Part p1 = request.getPart("file");
System.out.println("!!!!!P1 : " + p1);
Prints :
!!!!!P1 : File name=DSC03660.JPG,
size=2589152bytes, isFormField=false, FieldName=file
newlines mine. In the code people are doing :
if (request.getParameter("crop") != null) {
// get path on the server
String outputpath = this.getServletContext().getRealPath(
"images/temp/" + session.getId() + ".jpg");
// store photo
InputStream is = p1.getInputStream();
createPhoto(is, outputpath);
session.setAttribute("photo_path", "images/temp/" + session.getId()
+ ".jpg");
private void createPhoto(InputStream is, String outputpath) {
FileOutputStream os = null;
try {
os = new FileOutputStream(outputpath);
// write bytes taken from uploaded file to target file
int ch = is.read();
while (ch != -1) {
ch = is.read();
} catch (Exception ex) {
} finally {
Now what happens is that the file is uploaded in the StoreLocation (???) on submitting the form so apparently all this p1.getInputStream()
is for naught.
My questions are :
- what is StoreLocation ? How tmp are those glassfish uploads ? Where are all those parameters set ? I did read BalusC' tutorial - but there is no mention of StoreLocation (google is not very helpful either).
- What would be a more professional way of handling the situation - including keeping the photos outside the webroot - but using facilities glassfish provides (if it does provide) ?
- Even p1 printing so nice escapes me (it does not seem to Override
Interested in tips even in how should one rename the photos etc (is this sessionID thing Right ? - check also the time trick) :
if (request.getParameter("save") != null) {
long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
String path = "images/upload/" + session.getId() + time + ".jpg";
String outputpath = this.getServletContext().getRealPath(path);
// store photo
InputStream is = p1.getInputStream();
createPhoto(is, outputpath);
// etc