I have asked this question here but it was marked as duplicate -
however I didn't find any solution helpful mentioned in comments.
Here, I am asking again with more details ...
I am doing a sample app (PoC) on HCE and using HostApduService as per Android user guide. I have created two apps
1) ReaderApp - acting as card reader
2) HCEApp - emulating a card
In HCEApp, I have created a class 'MyService' extending HostApduService
public class MyService extends HostApduService {
private int messageCounter;
private final String TAG = "MyService";
Intent mIntent;
public void onCreate() {
Log.i(TAG, "onCreate");
mIntent = new Intent(this, MyActivity.class);
* returned bytes will be sent as response. This method runs in Main thread
* so return ASAP.
public byte[] processCommandApdu(byte[] apdu, Bundle extras) {
if (selectAidApdu(apdu)) {
Log.i(TAG, "Application selected");
return getWelcomeMessage();
} else {
Log.i(TAG, "Received: " + new String(apdu));
return getNextMessage();
private byte[] getWelcomeMessage() {
return "Hello Desktop!".getBytes();
private byte[] getNextMessage() {
return ("Message from android: " + messageCounter++).getBytes();
private boolean selectAidApdu(byte[] apdu) {
if (apdu != null) {
for (byte b : apdu) {
System.out.printf("0x%02X", b);
return apdu.length >= 2 && apdu[0] == (byte) 0
&& apdu[1] == (byte) 0xa4;
public void onDeactivated(int reason) {
Log.i(TAG, "Deactivated: " + reason);
public boolean onUnbind(Intent intent) {
return super.onUnbind(intent);
As you can see in onCreate(), I am launching MyActivity provides user to enter some information and needs to be sent back to MyService.
I think I can not use binding as 'onBind()' is declared final in HostApduService as below
public final IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
return mMessenger.getBinder();
Please let me know if I am understading it correctly. Appreciate any help.
Whether you can use onBind or not I do not know, but I recently worked with a BroadcastReceiver from which I had to start a Service. You cannot bind
a Service from a BroadcastReceiver according to docs, you can only start
it. I needed to send some data to the Service from my BroadcastReceiver at some later point, and since the binder techniques was not available to me, I had to find a different way to communicate with the Service, much like your case where you don't have a reference to it.
I did some research but could not find any solution, but then I remembered that you can pass intent data with the startService(intent) call. I start my Service work in onCreate instead, as onCreate is only called once when the Service is created.
In your Activity
public void sendDataToService(){
Intent intent = new Intent(context, MyService.class);
intent.putExtra("message", SOME_DATA);
In your Service
public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
// Check if intent has extras
if(intent.getExtras() != null){
// Get message
int message = intent.getExtras().getInt("message");
This may be some sort what of a hack since "startService" does not sound like it should be used to send messages, and am not sure if this is exactly what you need, but it worked for me, so I hope it works for you. Cheers
Edit: BTW. I use it to tell a LocationService that a particular activity no longer want location updates.
I ended up taking a different approach to solving this same problem. When I bind to my HostApduService
subclass, I grab a handle to the Messenger
interface returned by the HostApduService
Here's some sample code. This would all go in your activity implementation (calling it MyActivity
here, communicating with MyHostApduServiceSubclass
). Here's what MyActivity
would need to include:
private Messenger mAPDUMessenger;
protected void onStart() {
Context context = getApplicationContext();
Intent apduIntent = new Intent(montext, ContactlessApduService.class);
context.bindService(apduIntent, mAPDUConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);
private ServiceConnection mAPDUConnection = new ServiceConnection() {
public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName className, IBinder service) {
// The HostApduService has a final override on the onBind() service method that returns
// an IMessageHandler interface that we can grab and use to send messages back to the
// terminal - would be better to get a handle to the running instance of the service so
// that we could make use of the HostApduService#sendResponseApdu public method
mAPDUMessenger = new Messenger(service);
// ^ This method sets up my handlers for local broadcast messages my BroadcastReceiver processes.
private void registerAPDUMessengerIntentFilters() {
LocalBroadcastManager lbm = LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(MyActivity.this);
IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter(MyHostApduServiceSubclass.ACTION_PPSE_APDU_SELECT);
lbm.registerReceiver(apduMessageBroadcastReceiver, intentFilter);
BroadcastReceiver apduMessageBroadcastReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
if (intent.getAction().equals(MyHostApduServiceSubclass.ACTION_PPSE_APDU_SELECT)) {
public final void sendResponseApdu(byte[] responseApdu) {
Message responseMsg = Message.obtain(null, MyHostApduServiceSubclass.MSG_RESPONSE_APDU);
// ^ Note here that because MSG_RESPONSE_APDU is the message type
// defined in the abstract HostApduService class, I had to override
// the definition in my subclass to expose it for use from MyActivity.
// Same with the KEY_DATA constant value below.
Bundle dataBundle = new Bundle();
dataBundle.putByteArray(MyHostApduServiceSubclass.KEY_DATA, responseApdu);
try {
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Do something with the failed message
And then your HostApduService
subclass would just need to send a broadcast to your activity indicating what APDU command was received. Here is what would need to be included in MyHostApduServiceSubclass
// Abstract super class constant overrides
public static final String KEY_DATA = "data";
public static final int MSG_RESPONSE_APDU = 1;
public byte[] processCommandApdu(byte[] commandApdu, Bundle extras) {
Context context = getApplicationContext();
LocalBroadcastManager lbm = LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(context);
if (Arrays.equals(MyHostApduServiceSubclass.PPSE_APDU_SELECT_BYTES, commandApdu)) {
lbm.sendBroadcast(new Intent(ACTION_PPSE_APDU_SELECT));
return null;
// ^ Note the need to return null so that the other end waits for the
// activity to send the response via the Messenger handle