I am trying to learn how ES works however I haven't been able to run it from an IDE. I want to run the 2.3.3 build which still uses Maven as its build system but keep getting errors. Can someone tell me how I can do this in IDEA after I download the repository in detail ie. the configuration etc.
I downloaded the repository from github, then I imported the project into intellij
and used the following configurations:
Main class: org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Elasticsearch
Vm options:
working directory: ES directory
environment variable: ES_TEST_LOCAL=true
use classpath of module: elasticsearch(1)(org.elasticsearch)
and then I get the following errors when i try to run:
- Build the root project : mvn clean package -DskipTests (or execute run.sh)
- copy ./distribution/src/main/resources/config to ./core/.
Create a Run/Debug configuration as follows:
Main Class: org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Elasticsearch
VM Options: -Des.path.home=/code/elasticsearch/core
Program Arguments: start
Classpath of Module : [select the core project]
For 5.x - From command line:
> gradle run --debug-jvm
Running elasticsearch in debug mode, suspending until connected on port 8000
[elasticsearch] Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8000
From Intellij, create a Remote debug configuration and set the port to 8000.
After downloading Elasticsearch from github, in the top level directory there is file called CONTRIBUTING.md which describes how to configure your IDE, and there is also a file called TESTING.asciidoc which describes how to debug.
Based on the instructions contained in those text files, I have written a blog post that gives step-by-step instructions on how to configure IntelliJ IDEA to debug Elasticsearch and Lucene.
Disclaimer: I am a consulting engineer at Elasticsearch