We tell PDO to wrap each issue into exception.
In some cases it generates a few warnings and only then throws exception.
Why does it do it?
There were no correct answers on SO regarding it. Last question was PHP PDO Exception + Warning on MySQL Has Gone Away? but people just marked it as duplicate instead of carefully answer.
Accepted answer not answers why does it do it and when. So I researched and will answer.
It's because of PDO could use mysqlnd driver, which not respects any of PDO's "convert-issues-to-extensions" policy.
Just look at sources of mysqlnd driver.
We clearly see there direct calls to php_error_docref
And one of examples, shown at previous question explained by these lines:
Use set_error_handler() and restore_error_handler()
public function query($sql)
$retries = 0;
$result = null;
while (true) {
try {
set_error_handler(function () {
$result = $this->pdo->query($sql);
} catch (Exception $e) {
if (++$retries < self::RECONNECT_ATTEMPT) {
if (strpos($e->getMessage(), 'server has gone away') !== false) {
$this->getLogger()->info('Reconnect database, reason: server has gone away');
} else {
throw $e;
return $result;