Replace specific color in bitmap with transparency

2019-04-10 11:42发布


I have a method to replace a pixel of one color with transparency

public Bitmap createTransparentBitmapFromBitmap(Bitmap bitmap,
          int replaceThisColor) {
        if (bitmap != null) {
          int picw = bitmap.getWidth(); 
          int pich = bitmap.getHeight();
          int[] pix = new int[picw * pich];
          bitmap.getPixels(pix, 0, picw, 0, 0, picw, pich);

          int sr = (replaceThisColor >> 16) & 0xff;
          int sg = (replaceThisColor >> 8) & 0xff;
          int sb = replaceThisColor & 0xff;

          for (int y = 0; y < pich; y++) {   
            for (int x = 0; x < picw; x++) {
              int index = y * picw + x;
            /*  int r = (pix[index] >> 16) & 0xff;
              int g = (pix[index] >> 8) & 0xff;
              int b = pix[index] & 0xff;*/

              if (pix[index] == replaceThisColor) {

                if(x<topLeftHole.x) topLeftHole.x = x;  
                if(y<topLeftHole.y) topLeftHole.y = y;
                if(x>bottomRightHole.x) bottomRightHole.x = x;
                if(y>bottomRightHole.y)bottomRightHole.y = y;

                pix[index] = Color.TRANSPARENT;   
              } else {

          Bitmap bm = Bitmap.createBitmap(pix, picw, pich,

          return bm;
        return null;

Its called like this

backgroundBitmap = createTransparentBitmapFromBitmap(backgroundBitmap , Color.argb(255,255,255, 0));

The same color i have in a png file, where i want the transparent hole.The problem is it only replaces part of the color not all. See screenshot


It looks like your picture has JPEG artifacts in it. Detecting an exact color will only really work if you only save your picture in a lossless format. PNG is a lossless format, but did you save an intermediate version of your picture as a JPEG (or in some other lossy format) after drawing the circle?

Also; just a tip: you don't need two loops, just loop through the array in one for loop.

Edit: This new yellow looks like it's been caused by anti-aliasing. Due to that, the edges of the circle aren't the exact color you're looking for and your code misses them. The only way around this is to turn off anti-aliasing while drawing the circle. Of course, this way you also won't get a nice anti-aliased edge for your transparent hole.

If you want that, you'll probably have to use a separate mask for the hole (a JPEG for color and an 8-bit PNG for transparency should be a quite efficient combination - oh how much I wish there was an image format that readily allowed this in web browsers)


very good, I needed this, then beyond using I improved a little, the code:

public static Bitmap repleceIntervalColor(Bitmap bitmap,int redStart,int redEnd,int greenStart, int greenEnd,int blueStart, int blueEnd,int colorNew) {
    if (bitmap != null) {
        int picw = bitmap.getWidth();
        int pich = bitmap.getHeight();
        int[] pix = new int[picw * pich];
        bitmap.getPixels(pix, 0, picw, 0, 0, picw, pich);
        for (int y = 0; y < pich; y++) {
            for (int x = 0; x < picw; x++) {
                int index = y * picw + x;
                    if (
                        (([index]) >= redStart)&&([index]) <= redEnd))&&
                        (([index]) >= greenStart)&&([index]) <= greenEnd))&&
                        (([index]) >= blueStart)&&([index]) <= blueEnd))
                        pix[index] = colorNew;
        Bitmap bm = Bitmap.createBitmap(pix, picw, pich,Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        return bm;
    return null;