I have a set of pairs of x points to draw segments along the x axis to create a custom read map in R:
Half the task of plotting these segments is deciding their y positions so that no two segments that overlap are on the same y level. For each segment, I iterate over y levels from the first position until I get to a position that does not yet contain a segment that will overlap the current one. I then record the end position of the current segment and move to the next one.
The actual code is a function as follows:
# Dummy data
# A list of start and end positions for each segment along the X axis. Sorted by start.
# Passing the function few.reads draws a map in half a second. Passing it many.reads takes about half an hour to complete.
few.reads <- data.frame( start=c(rep(10,150), rep(16,100), rep(43,50)), end=c(rep(30,150), rep(34,100), rep(57,50)) );
many.reads <- data.frame( start=c(rep(10,15000), rep(16,10000), rep(43,5000)), end=c(rep(30,15000), rep(34,10000), rep(57,5000)) );
# A function to draw a series of overlapping segments (or "reads" in my along
# The x-axis. Where reads overlap, they are "stacked" down the y axis
drawReads <- function(reads){
# sort the reads by their start positions
reads <- reads[order(reads$start),];
# minimum and maximum for x axis
minstart <- min(reads$start);
maxend <- max(reads$end);
# initialise yread: a list to keep track of used y levels
yread <- c(minstart - 1);
ypos <- c(); #holds the y position of the ith segment
# This iteration step is the bottleneck. Worst case, when all reads are stacked on top
# of each other, it has to iterate over many y levels to find the correct position for
# the later reads
# iterate over segments
for (r in 1:nrow(reads)){
read <- reads[r,];
start <- read$start;
placed <- FALSE;
# iterate through yread to find the next availible
# y pos at this x pos (start)
y <- 1;
if(yread[y] < start){
ypos[r] <- y;
yread[y] <- read$end;
placed <- TRUE;
# current y pos is used by another segment, increment
y <- y + 1;
# initialize another y pos if we're at the end of the list
if(y > length(yread)){
yread[y] <- minstart-1;
# This is the plotting step
# Once we are here the rest of the process is very quick
# find the maximum y pos that is used to size up the plot
maxy <- length(yread);
miny = 1;
reads$ypos <- ypos + miny;
print("New Plot...")
# Now we have all the information, start the plot
plot.window(xlim=c(minstart, maxend+((maxend-minstart)/10)), ylim=c(1,maxy));
axis(2, yaxp=c(miny,maxy,3),tick=FALSE,labels=FALSE);
print("Draw the reads...");
maxy <- max(reads$ypos);
segments(reads$start, maxy-reads$ypos, reads$end, maxy-reads$ypos, col="blue");
My actual dataset is very large, and contains regions that can have up to 600000 reads as far as I can tell. The reads will naturally stack on top of each other, so it is very easy to realise the worst-case scenario, where all reads are overlapping each other. The time it takes to plot large numbers of reads is unacceptable for me, so I'm looking for a way to make the process more efficient. Can I replace my loops with something quicker? Is there an algorithm that can arrange the reads quicker? I really can't think of a better way of doing this at the moment.
Thanks for your help.