Simulated Binary Crossover (SBX) crossover operato

2019-04-10 06:58发布


I work on a very little research team to create/adapt a Genetic Algorithm library in Scala for distributed computation with Scientific Worklow System, in our case we use the open source OpenMole software (

Recently, i try to understand and re-implement the SBX crossover operator written in JMetal Metaheuristics library ( to adapt it in functionnal version in our Scala library.

I write some code, but i need our advice or your validation about the SBX defined into java library, because the source code (src in svn) doesn't appear equal to the original equation written here : at page 30, in annexe A

First question, i don't understand the java version of JMetal, why they use two different beta values ?!

  • beta1 which use in the equation the first arg of min[(y1 - yL), ...] and
  • beta2 which use the second arg of min [... , (yu - y2)])

Beta 1 and 2 are used for computation of alpha value and two (so here and in jmetal we have also two alpha different value alpha1 and 2) ...

Same problem/question, we have in jmetal two computation for betaq (java code) or in Deb equation, result of :

Second question, what is the meaning of the symbol used in (2) and (3) procedure in pseudo-algorithm of SBX, and the difference with simple beta ? Especially when we want to compute children/offsprings of crossover parents, like here :


  • Correct a no-op if/else block

  • Author of code in jmetal give me the link of original source code of Nsga-II algorithm, and he explain me that description of SBX by Deb differs from his implementation :/

    I don't understand the difference between the description and the implementation in jmetal and original source code, do you have an explanation ?

  • Correct if/else return for map

Start of translation into scala

  class SBXBoundedCrossover[G <: GAGenome, F <: GAGenomeFactory[G]](rate: Random => Double = _.nextDouble) extends CrossOver [G, F] {

  def this(rate: Double) = this( _ => rate)

  def crossOver (genomes : IndexedSeq [G], factory: F) (implicit aprng : Random) = {
    val g1 = genomes.random
    val g2 = genomes.random
    val crossoverRate = rate(aprng)
    val EPS =  1.0e-14
    val numberOfVariables = g1.wrappedValues.size
    val distributionIndex = 2

    val variableToMutate = (0 until g1.wrappedValues.size).map{x => !(aprng.nextDouble < 0.5)}

    //crossover probability
    val offspring = {

      if (aprng.nextDouble < crossoverRate) {      
        (variableToMutate zip (g1.wrappedValues zip g2.wrappedValues)) map {
          case (b, (g1e, g2e)) =>
            if(b) {
              if (abs(g1e - g2e) > EPS){

                val y1 = min(g1e, g2e)
                val y2 = max(g2e, g1e)

                var yL = 0.0 //g1e.getLowerBound
                var yu = 1.0 //g1e.getUpperBound  
                var rand = aprng.nextDouble   // ui

                var beta1 = 1.0 + (2.0 * (y1 - yL)/(y2 - y1))
                var alpha1 = 2.0 - pow(beta1,-(distributionIndex+1.0))
                var betaq1 = computebetaQ(alpha1,distributionIndex,rand)

                //calcul offspring 1 en utilisant betaq1, correspond au β barre
                var c1 = 0.5 * ((y1 + y2) - betaq1 * (y2 - y1)) 

                // -----------------------------------------------

                var beta2 = 1.0 + (2.0 * (yu - y2) / (y2 - y1))
                var alpha2 = 2.0 - pow(beta2, -(distributionIndex + 1.0))

                var betaq2 = computebetaQ(alpha2,distributionIndex,rand)

                //calcul offspring2 en utilisant betaq2
                var c2 = 0.5 * ((y1 + y2) + betaq2 * (y2 - y1))

                if (c1 < yL) c1 = yL
                if (c1 > yu) c1 = yu

                if (c2 < yL) c2 = yL
                if (c2 > yu) c2 = yu   

                if (aprng.nextDouble <= 0.5) {
                } else {
                  (c1, c2) 

                (g1e, g2e)

              (g2e, g1e)

        // not so good here ...
        (g1.wrappedValues zip g2.wrappedValues)
    (factory.buildGenome({_._1}),  factory.buildGenome({_._2}))

  def computebetaQ(alpha:Double,  distributionIndex:Double,  rand:Double):Double = { 
    if (rand <= (1.0/alpha)){
      pow ((rand * alpha),(1.0 / (distributionIndex + 1.0)))
    } else {
      pow ((1.0 / (2.0 - rand * alpha)),(1.0 / (distributionIndex + 1.0)))

Thanks a lot for your advice, or help in this problem.



Reyman64, your question is the answer I was looking for. Thank you.

I took the paper you linked and the code of Deb's implementation and tried to understand both. For that, I commented almost every line of the code. They differ only in the calculation of beta.

Since Deb used this code in his implementation of the NSGA-II, I'll stick to this version of the algorithm.

If anyone is in the same situation I was (not understanding how to implement SBX), I left my commentaries in the following gist, take a look.


I did an implementation of the SBX (it is called Simulated Binary Crossover btw) for HeuristicLab (C#). You can take a look at the implementation of our SimulatedBinaryCrossover. I took the description from a different reference however (paper title: "Simulated binary crossover for continuous search space" from 1995). The full citation is given in the source code.