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Inno Setup: How to manipulate progress bar on Run section?
1 answer
This is similar to this question:
Inno Setup Simple progress page for Run section
If I'm adding some MSI files to my Inno Setup script, I can install these files from the [Run]
section. At that time the progress bar shows 100% and shows the StatusMsg
above the progress bar.
I want manually set the value of the progress bar in the [Run]
section, say a value of 50%.
Similar to something like this:
Filename: msiexec.exe; Parameters: "/i ""{#MyRtePath}\runtime.msi"" /qn /norestart"; \
StatusMsg: Installing Runtime Engine; WizardForm.ProgressGauge.progress: 50 ;
You can use similar code to the question you linked to, by calling it from the BeforeInstall
and/or AfterInstall
handler for each [Run]
Note that Inno itself will run up to 100% in the files section, so you're code will need to start from 0% again, or adjust EVERY entry to use the custom positioning.
Late response, but here is some example code I made for anyone else looking for an answer.
Above the [Setup]
section you will need to define a constant named AppName for use later, you can also use it to set your Setup AppName variable.
#define AppName "Test Installer"
Now down in your [code]
section you will need to add the following.
InstallWithProgressPage : TOutputProgressWizardPage;
//Create custom progress bar for install progress
procedure InitializeWizard;
UpdatedPageString: AnsiString;
OriginalPageString: String;
//The string msgWizardPreparing has the macro '[name]' inside that we have to replace.
OriginalPageString := SetupMessage(msgPreparingDesc);
StringChange(OriginalPageString, '[name]', '{#AppName}');
UpdatedPageString := OriginalPageString;
InstallWithProgressPage := CreateOutputProgressPage(SetupMessage(msgWizardPreparing), UpdatedPageString);
//Enable or Disable the install progress page (also set initial progress/text)
procedure DisplayInstallProgress(showPage:Boolean; progressText:String);
if(showPage = True) then
InstallWithProgressPage.SetText(progressText, '');
//Update the install progress page
procedure UpdateInstallProgress(progressText:String; progressPercent:Integer);
InstallWithProgressPage.SetText(progressText, '');
Now you can call the DisplayInstallProgress and UpdateInstallProgress procedures in the [Run]
section using the BeforeInstall and AfterInstall Parameters, like below.
FileName: "Powershell.exe"; Parameters: "-File {app}\Part1.ps1"; BeforeInstall: DisplayInstallProgress(True, 'Installing part 1.');
FileName: "Powershell.exe"; Parameters: "-File {app}\Part2.ps1"; BeforeInstall: UpdateInstallProgress('Installing part 2.', 30);
FileName: "Powershell.exe"; Parameters: "-File {app}\Part3.ps1"; BeforeInstall: UpdateInstallProgress('Installing part 3.', 60);
FileName: "Powershell.exe"; Parameters: "-File {app}\Part3.ps1"; BeforeInstall: UpdateInstallProgress('Installing part 4.',90); AfterInstall: DisplayInstallProgress(False, '');
I had used this question/answer as a template for creating the progress page: How to show progress during “PrepareToInstall”?
Final note, this implementation goes against jrsoftware's advice:
Always put the Hide call inside the finally part of a try..finally language construct, as demonstrated in CodeDlg.iss. Not calling Hide will result in the wizard being permanently stuck on the progress page.
However I couldn't figure out a way of implementing progress accross items in the [run]
section without doing this.