Accessing Teamcity build number in Gradle build sc

2019-04-10 04:51发布


How can I access the build number and VCS checkout number in a Gradle script executed by Teamcity?

In Ant I can use ${build.number} and ${build.vcs.number.1} respectively.

Thank you.


These are simply JVM system properties that TeamCity sets for the Ant/Gradle JVM. You can access them with the usual Java means, for example System.getProperty("build.number").


If you are developing Android application you can access build.number to update apk file name accordingly:

 defaultConfig {
    applicationId "com.mydemoci"
    minSdkVersion 14
    targetSdkVersion 23
    versionCode 1
    versionName "0.7"

    ext.buildNumber = System.getProperty("build.number") ?: "Regular"
    archivesBaseName = "$applicationId-v$versionName-b$buildNumber"

To test locally just run gradlew clean build -Dbuild.number=123


As of TeamCity 9.1.5 this is changed. "Properties" (both "system" and "teamcity" ) properties are set as project ext properties.

Very confusing when reading the overveiw page the use of "system" (in "system properties") had me thinking they were set as JVM System properites so I tried the Gradle mechanism as described here: which says to use "org.gradle.project." .. adding that with TeamCity that says to use "system." I tried to set a gradle property "repositoryUrl" as "" ... This didn't work. adding "properties" to the gradle command in team city showed that there was a gradle property called "org.gradle.project.repositoryUrl"

By trial and error I stumbled on the obvious ... and was about to report it as a docs bug .. but then found it in the documentation

Summary: In TeamCity 9.1.5+ use




In Gradle these are accessable as rootProject (or project) "properties" (not "system properties" ... e.g.

println repositoryUrl 
println project.repositoryUrl
println rootProject.repositoryUrl
println rootProject.ext.repositoryUrl
println "${repositryUrl}"
assert  hasProperty("repositoryUrl")

and the 500 other ways of doing the same thing.


I tested with many cases with gradle and injecting build.number outside variables. In my case, I use docker as a build environment so teamcity-provided environment does not be injected successfully.

There are two possibilities to inject variables to gradle. Note that -D and -P differences in below example.

// 1. gradle build -Pbuild.number=555
aaa ="build.number") 

// 2. gradle bulid -Dbuild.number=444
bbb = System.getProperty("build.number")

gradle --help says [option] task as a command order but task [option] works.

An example build.gradle script is as below;

ext {
    buildNumber = ("build.number") as Integer) ?: 1

android {

    defaultConfig {
        versionCode project.buildNumber
        versionName "1.3.7." + project.buildNumber.toString()

In my case, I want to use build.number as a android versionCode, so parsing to Integer is required with :? null treatment.