I have this:
<span class="image"><img src="something.jpg"></span>
I want to transform it to that using javascript:
<span class="image"><a href="domain"><img src="something.jpg"></a></span>
It has to be done using javascript in order to hide the affiliate links.
I have tried this script but it seems not to work:
function changespan() {
find all <span> tags;
for each <span> with class="image"{
URL = "http://domain.com"
Create new link to URL;
insert link into <span>;
The function is uploaded in file script.js and I load it in this fashion:
<script type="text/javascript" src="script.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = changespan;
EDIT: After this is solved, how could i parse my page to find links in this format: and then assign this value to variable URL. I need to be able to assign first path to URL_1 second to URL_2 and so on.