I've implemented an infinite UIScrollView that contains UIViews. When scrolling in iOS5 (simulator and iphone) it works beautifully. But in iOS 4.3 (sim and phone) it kinda goes a bit crazy and scrolls passed more views than it should (about 10-15x more views than in iOS5). And to make it more strange it works as expected if I drag slowly so it doesn't continue scroll after I release.
The setup is kinda simple, I extend the UIScrollView class. And add UIView with a width of about 1500pt, in this I add my UIViews I want to scroll over. When scrolling the views are added and removed if they are off screen.
I think my problem lies with in this code:
- (void)recenterIfNecessary {
CGPoint currentOffset = [self contentOffset];
CGFloat contentWidth = [self contentSize].width;
CGFloat centerOffsetX = (contentWidth - [self bounds].size.width) / 2.0;
CGFloat distanceFromCenter = fabs(currentOffset.x - centerOffsetX);
UIView *image;
if (distanceFromCenter > (contentWidth / 4.0)) {
// Recenter the ScrollView so we never reach the edge
self.contentOffset = CGPointMake(centerOffsetX, currentOffset.y);
// Move visiblePhotos to new position to adjust to new contentOffset
for (image in visiblePhotos) {
CGPoint center = image.center;
center.x += (centerOffsetX - currentOffset.x);
image.center = center;
is invoked here:
- (void)layoutSubviews {
[super layoutSubviews];
[self recenterIfNecessary];
[self tileImagesFromMinX:minVisibleX toMaxX:maxVisibleX];
I've tried logging positions and offsets to try find a pattern with the difference between iOS4 & 5 with luck.
I got the concept and some code from http://developer.apple.com/videos/wwdc/2011/#advanced-scrollview-techniques (they use iOS5).
Photos (that are put in the visiblePhotos array) are created with this methods:
- (CGFloat)placeNewImageOnRight:(CGFloat)rightEdge {
imageIndex = imageIndex < 0 ? ([reportItems count] - 1) : (imageIndex >= [reportItems count] ? 0 : imageIndex);
UIView *image = [self createItemContainer:[reportItems objectAtIndex:imageIndex]];
[visiblePhotos addObject:image];
CGRect frame = [image frame];
frame.origin.x = rightEdge;
frame.origin.y = [imageContainerView bounds].size.height - frame.size.height;
[image setFrame:frame];
imageIndex += 1;
return CGRectGetMaxX(frame);
- (CGFloat)placeNewImageOnLeft:(CGFloat)leftEdge {
imageIndex = imageIndex < 0 ? ([reportItems count] - 1) : (imageIndex >= [reportItems count] ? 0 : imageIndex);
UIView *image = [self createItemContainer:[reportItems objectAtIndex:imageIndex]];
[visiblePhotos insertObject:image atIndex:0];
CGRect frame = [image frame];
frame.origin.x = leftEdge - frame.size.width;
frame.origin.y = [imageContainerView bounds].size.height - frame.size.height;
[image setFrame:frame];
imageIndex -= 1;
return CGRectGetMinX(frame);
[self createItemContainer:[reportItems objectAtIndex:imageIndex]]
creates a UIVeiw that contains a photo`.
The left and right methods are basically the same and are invoked by the method below. And tileImagesFromMinX
is invoked on every frame by - (void)layoutSubviews
- (void)tileImagesFromMinX:(CGFloat)minVisibleX toMaxX:(CGFloat)maxVisibleX {
if ([visiblePhotos count] == 0) {
[self placeNewImageOnRight:minVisibleX];
UIView *lastImage = [visiblePhotos lastObject];
CGFloat rightEdge = CGRectGetMaxX([lastImage frame]);
while (rightEdge < maxVisibleX) {
rightEdge = [self placeNewImageOnRight:rightEdge];
UIView *firstImage = [visiblePhotos objectAtIndex:0];
CGFloat leftEdge = CGRectGetMinX([firstImage frame]);
while (leftEdge > minVisibleX) {
leftEdge = [self placeNewImageOnLeft:leftEdge];
lastImage = [visiblePhotos lastObject];
while ([lastImage frame].origin.x > maxVisibleX) {
[lastImage removeFromSuperview];
[visiblePhotos removeLastObject];
lastImage = [visiblePhotos lastObject];
firstImage = [visiblePhotos objectAtIndex:0];
while (CGRectGetMaxX([firstImage frame]) < minVisibleX) {
[firstImage removeFromSuperview];
[visiblePhotos removeObjectAtIndex:0];
firstImage = [visiblePhotos objectAtIndex:0];