
BBCode for Ruby on Rails

2019-04-09 22:50发布


So I'm putting together a simple forum. I'd like to allow my users limited formatting options and BBCode would be plenty for my users. Knowing that I'm assuredly not the first one to want to use BBCode with RoR I googled but couldn't find a straight forward tutorial on how to create a editor which accepts BBCode nor a way to parse and display BBCode formatted input.

Any help or guides would be appreciated!


You should give bb-ruby a try. Its documentation on the web page seems to be very clear and straightforward.


Here is another gem you may find useful




gem 'bb-ruby'
# run `bundle`

In the place (haml):

%h1= put_header_string.bbcode_to_html.html_safe
%p= "[b]bold text[/b]".bbcode_to_html.html_safe

Besides a builtins you could also extend your own bbcode as you need. For example:

module BBRuby
  @@tags = @@tags.merge({
      'Email' => [
        lambda{ |e| "<span class='email'>#{e[2].gsub('@','<i>(at)</i>')}</span>"},
        'protect email from spam',

In place

[b]Contact me:[/b][email]email@test.ru[/email]

Contact me: email(at)test.ru

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