I'm trying to download content from a Google docs file using Javascript using the Drive SDK.
I retrieve the metadata, and parse the exportLinks to get a URL https://docs.google.com/feeds/download/documents/export/Export?id=xxx&exportFormat=html
My code is similar to Google Drive using JavaScript: Handling file content except I'm using exportLinks:text/html instead of downloadUrl.
If I try to retrieve that URL, I get "405 OPTIONS method not allowed".
(as an aside, if I download a non-docs file using the downloadUrl, all is OK).
So I'm guessing that either:- a) I shouldn't be using Drive to retrieve Docs files b) I should be using the exportLinks is some other fashion, or c) I need to implement the same iframe workaround that is used for upload here Does https://www.googleapis.com/upload/drive/v2/files really support CORS?