How to remove user from a specified group in Ansib

2019-04-09 19:11发布


Let's assume user01 has two groups defined: groupA and groupB (in addition to the primary group).

I can add the account to groupC (ensure user01 belongs to groupC) using:

- user: name=user01 groups=groupC append=yes

How can I remove user01 from groupB (ensure user01 does not belong to groupB) without specifying all the groups the account should belong to?


As far as I can tell, you can't with just the normal user module.

However, with some fairly crazy gyrations, you can do it in a playbook. I'm not sure I recommend this though; it was just an interesting exercise. (I did test this and it worked.)

The interesting part is the task "build the new groups list", which removes a list entry. If calling .remove() on a python list returned the new list, that would all be uneccessary.

- hosts: target
  gather_facts: no

    group_to_remove: admins
    new_groups_list: []
    user_to_check: user1

    - user: name="{{ user_to_check }}" groups=testers,developers,admins

    - name: get the current groups list
      command: groups "{{ user_to_check }}"
      register: current_groups

    - debug: var=current_groups

    # parse the output of the groups command into a python list
    # of the current groups
    - set_fact:
        current_group_list: "{{ current_groups.stdout.replace( user_to_check+' : ','').split(' ') }}"

    - name: show user_group_list
      debug: var=current_group_list

    - name: build the new groups list
        new_groups_list: "{{ new_groups_list + [ item  ]  }}"
      no_log: False
      when: "not '{{ group_to_remove }}' == '{{ item }}'"
      with_items: "{{ current_group_list }}"

    # turn the list, into a comma-delimited string
    - set_fact:
        new_groups: "{{ ','.join(new_groups_list) }}"

    - name: show new_groups_list
      debug: var=new_groups

    - name: set new user groups
      user: name="{{ user_to_check }}" groups="{{ new_groups }}"

    - name: get the new groups list
      command: groups "{{ user_to_check }}"
      register: new_groups

    - debug: var=new_groups


that feature is missing and this is the open bug for that:

As workaround, use something like this.

  become: true
  shell: "/usr/sbin/delgroup telegraf varnish"
  ignore_errors: yes
  when: ansible_hostname | lower not in groups['varnish'] | lower

Please adapt this to your down needs, i'm removing telegraf user from host varnish group if the current host is not in the ansible group varnish list


Improving a bit the answer from higuita adding a right condition:

- name: Get info from user1
    name: user1
    state: present
  register: user1_data

- name: remove user1 user from grouptodelete group
  become: true
  command: "gpasswd -d user1 grouptodelete"
  when: user1_data.groups is defined and 'grouptodelete' in user1_data.groups


There is a way to do this using Ansible too you have to use the right flag

You need to use the append flag to no or false to tell Ansbile not to append the user to group

- user:
    name: hive
    shell: /bin/bash
    groups: hadoop
    append: no
    state: present