jenkins-job-builder is a nice tool to help me to maintain jobs in YAML
files. see example in configuration chapter.
Now I had lots of old jenkins jobs, it will be nice to have a python script xml2yaml
to convert the existing jenkins job config.xml
file format.
Do you any suggestions to had a quick solution in python ?
I don't need it to be used in jenkins-job-builder
directly, just can be converted it into YAML for reference.
For the convert, some part can be ignored like namespace.
segment looks like:
<logRotator class="hudson.tasks.LogRotator">
The yaml
output could be:
- project:
daysToKeep: -1
numToKeep: 20
artifactDaysToKeep: -1
artifactNumToKeep: -1
If you are not familiar with config.xml
in jenkins, you can check infra_backend-merge-all-repo job in
It's hard to tell from your question exactly what you're looking for here, but assuming you're looking for the basic structure:
Python has good support on most platforms for XML Parsing. Chances are you'll want to use something simple and easy to use like minidom. See the XML Processing Modules in the python docs for your version of python.
Once you've opened the file, looking for project
and then parsing down from there and using a simple mapping should work pretty well given the simplicity of the yaml format.
from xml.dom.minidom import parse
def getText(nodelist):
rc = []
for node in nodelist:
if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE:
return ''.join(rc)
def getTextForTag(nodelist,tag):
elements = nodelist.getElementsByTagName(tag)
if (elements.length>0):
return getText( elements[0].childNodes)
return ''
def printValueForTag(parent, indent, tag, valueName=''):
value = getTextForTag( parent,tag)
if (len(value)>0):
if (valueName==''):
valueName = tag
print indent + valueName+": "+value
def emitLogRotate(indent, rotator):
print indent+"logrotate:"
indent+=' '
printValueForTag( rotator,indent, 'daysToKeep')
printValueForTag( rotator,indent, 'numToKeep')
def emitProject(project):
print "- project:"
# all projects have log rotators, so no need to chec
emitLogRotate(" ",project.getElementsByTagName('logRotator')[0])
# next section...
dom = parse('config.xml')
This snippet will print just a few lines of the eventual configuration file, but it puts you in the right direction for a simple translator. Based on what I've seen, there's not much room for an automatic translation scheme due to naming differences. You could streamline the code as you iterate for more options and to be table driven, but that's "just a matter of programming", this will at least get you started with the DOM parsers in python.
I'm writing a program that does this conversion from XML to YAML. It can dynamically query a Jenkins server and translate all the jobs to YAML.
Right now it works for very simple jobs. I've taken a safe/pessimistic approach and the program will bail if it encounters XML that it cannot yet translate.
I suggest querying and accessing the xml with xpath expressions using xmlstarlet on the command line and in shell scripts. No trouble with low-level programmatical access to XML. XMLStarlet
is an XPath swiss-army knife on the command line.
"xmlstarlet el
" shows you the element structure of the entire XML as XPath expressions.
"xmlstarlet sel -t -c XPath-expression
" will extract exactly what you want.
Maybe you want to spend an hour (or two) on freshing up your XPath know-how in advance.
You will shed a couple of tears, once you recognize how much time you spent with programming XML access before you used XMLStarlet.