I am receiving some json from a web service. I parse this using the TouchJSON library. I keep the data around for the user to change certain values and then I want to return it to the web service.
The JSON object I get contains NSDictionary Objects within the object, like this:
"id": null,
"created_at": 12332343,
"object": {
"name": "Some name",
"age" : 30
"scope": "it stuff",
"kind_id": 1,
"valid": true,
"refering_statement": {
"id": 95
"user": {
"id": 1
If I want to change values in this dictionary, I can't because the returned objects from TouchJSON are not mutable.
Is there a way to have have TouchJSON return mutable objects?
or is there a way to have Objective C make an NSDictionary and all its children mutable?
or do I have to just go through every NSDictionary in NSDictionary and copy all data into a mutable copy and then reinsert everything?
Hope someone can help me out on this one:) thanks in advance.