This is a much talked about subject, particularly of late. Hopefully this isn't a dupe as I've gone over all the other SO questions.
I'm not interested in whether this is legal or not. Whilst it's not 100% clear whether you can freely do what you want with a dylib on iOS8, it appears some amount of dynamic loading is allowed (see for example Can you build dynamic libraries for iOS and load them at runtime?).
What I care about is just making dlopen work (forget store submissions for now)! I've got a very basic iOS example where I manually do a dlopen followed by a dlsym to call a function in a homegrown dylib. This works fine on the simulator but fails on device. The device is an iPhone 4s running (non-jailbroken) iOS 7.1.2.
AFAIK it is legal to call dlopen even on iOS 7 as there are explicit Apple instructions for how to support this (see "Deploying a Containing App to Older Versions of iOS" here
My guess is the root cause is something simple, like the dylib being in a folder which iOS doesn't like for binaries. Does anyone have any experience doing this and know what the restrictions are, or possibly knows what I'm doing wrong.
FYI my load code is:
NSString* resourcePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath];
NSString* dlPath = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@/frameworktest", resourcePath];
const char* cdlpath = [dlPath UTF8String];
void* hModule = dlopen(cdlpath, RTLD_LAZY);
The dylib (frameworktest) was created by creating a Cocoa Touch Framework, building and grabbing the dylib binary from the built framework and adding to the project resources (in the root folder). otool shows the dylib as an armv7 dynmic library targeting ios min version of 7.0. I can successfully fopen the file as well so I know I'm looking in the right folder.
I can step deep into the dlopen assembly. So far in fact that it became uninformative looking for obvious fails :)
Any ideas?