I am attempting to build a dynamic Sql query for multiple search terms. I understand in general how to use the builder, but am not sure what to do in the loop since I actually need the @term to be different each time (I think). Not just in the query, but in the anonymous type as well to match.
I could use a string.Format in the query string, but not sure how to match it in the anonymous type?
public async Task<List<Thing>> Search(params string[] searchTerms)
var builder = new SqlBuilder();
var template = builder.AddTemplate("SELECT * /**select**/ from ThingTags /**where**/ ");
for (int i = 0; i < searchTerms.Length; i++)
builder.OrWhere("value LIKE @term", new { term = "%" + searchTerms[i] + "%" });
in the current form the query that gets created for terms "abc" "def" "ghi" is
CommandType: Text, CommandText: SELECT * from ThingTags WHERE ( value LIKE @term OR value LIKE @term OR value LIKE @term )
Name: term, Value: %ghi%