Had anyone any idea how to query a vbulletin database to generate a report on the number of registrations per month/year to achive results like..
01/2001 : 10
02/2001 : 12
Thanks to those answers below.. My final version that works is as follows:
COUNT(*) as 'Registrations',
YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME(joindate)) as 'Year',
MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(joindate)) as 'Month'
FROM vbfuser
GROUP BY Year,Month
I am not familiar with vBulletin's database structure, but you should do something like this, assuming your user table has a date/datetime/timestamp created_date
or reg_timestamp
column or something similiar, using MySQL's YEAR() and MONTH() functions.
count(*) as count,
year(reg_timestamp) as year
month(reg_timestamp) as month
from users
group by year, month;
This will result in something similiar to this:
| count | month | year |
| 4 | 11 | 2008 |
| 1 | 12 | 2008 |
| 196 | 12 | 2009 |
| 651 | 1 | 2010 |
Edit: regarding Dave's comment: vBulletin's date seems to be stored in Unixtime format. In this case, simply wrapping the column with FROM_UNIXTIME
will convert it to a readable MySQL date:
count(*) as count,
year(from_unixtime(reg_timestamp)) as year
month(from_unixtime(reg_timestamp)) as month
from users
group by year, month;
vBulletin keeps daily stats, so it may be nicer to work off that table. It isn't much of a problem for counting new registrations but if you want to count posts it gets expensive eventually. Here's an example which does what you want:
DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline), '%m/%Y') AS month,
SUM(nuser) AS new_users
FROM stats
GROUP BY month
ORDER BY dateline
You have to group by the field month:
select MONTHYEAR month , count(*) from tabname group by MONTHYEAR
with this, you would read all monthyears and count the different rows, obtaining the info you need.
If you provide the users table, it could be of more help ;)