I would like to verify that my understanding of the fundamental matrix is correct and if it's possible to compute F without using any corresponding point pairs.
The fundamental matrix is calculated as F = inv(transpose(Mr))*R*S*inv(Ml)
where Mr and Ml are the right and left intrinsic camera matrices, R is the rotation matrix that brings the right coordinate system to the left one, and S is the skew symmetric matrix
S = 0 -T[3] T[2] where T is the translation vector of the right coordinate system
T[3] 0 -T[1] from the left.
-T[2] T[1] 0
I understand that the fundamental matrix can be computed with the 8-point algorithm, but I do not have any point correspondences. However, both of my cameras are calibrated, so I have all intrinsic and extrinsic parameters. From the definition of the fundamental matrix above, it is possible to compute F with these parameters alone, right?
(The problem I experience is that the fundamental matrix seems wrong when calculated from its definition. At the moment, I would just like to know if my understanding above is correct.)