Java 8 Spliterator (or similar) that returns a val

2019-04-09 11:58发布


I'm a big fan of the singleOrEmpty stream operator. It's not in the std lib, but I find it very useful. If a stream has only a single value, it returns that value in an Optional. If it has no values or more than one value, it returns Optional.empty().

Optional<Int> value ={singleOrEmpty}
[]     -> Optional.empty()
[1]    -> Optional.of(1)
[1, 1] -> Optional.empty()

I asked a question about it earlier and @ThomasJungblut came up with this great implementation:

public static <T> Optional<T> singleOrEmpty(Stream<T> stream) {
    return stream.limit(2)
             (a, b) -> a.isPresent() ^ b.isPresent() ? b : Optional.empty());

The only problem is, you have to put it at the beginning of your call


rather than sequentially at the end

which makes it harder to read than other stream mechanisms.

So as a newbie to this stream processing stuff, does anybody have any tricks for how to go about putting a short-circuiting singleOrEmpty mechanism at the end of a sequence of stream transformations?


It will not be as fast as the one with limit(2) but you can use it as

static <T> Collector<T, ?, Optional<T>> singleOrEmpty() {
    return Collectors.collectingAndThen(
                    Collectors.reducing((a, b) -> Optional.empty())
            o -> o.orElseGet(Optional::empty)

Stream.empty().collect(singleOrEmpty());   // Optional.empty
Stream.of(1).collect(singleOrEmpty());     // Optional[1]
Stream.of(1, 1).collect(singleOrEmpty());  // Optional.empty
Stream.of(1, 1).skip(1).collect(singleOrEmpty());  // Optional[1]

For what it's worth, unless this is really performance critical code, I would personally prefer the less clever but much clearer implementation

static<T> Collector<T,?,Optional<T>> singleOrEmpty() {
    return Collectors.collectingAndThen(
            lst -> lst.size() == 1
                    ? Optional.of(lst.get(0))
                    : Optional.empty()