Is there a way to address all elements of JSON arr

2019-04-09 11:33发布


Does PostgreSQL provide any notation/method for putting a constraint on each element of a JSON array?

An example:

create table orders(data json);

insert into orders values ('
    "order_id": 45,
    "products": [
            "product_id": 1,
            "name": "Book"
            "product_id": 2,
            "name": "Painting"

I can easily add a constraint on the order_id field:

alter table orders add check ((data->>'order_id')::integer >= 1);

Now I need to do the same with product_id. I can put constraint on idividual array items:

alter table orders add check ((data->'products'->0->>'product_id')::integer >= 1);
alter table orders add check ((data->'products'->1->>'product_id')::integer >= 1);
-- etc.

So obviously what I'm looking for is some kind of wildcard operator for matching any JSON array element:

alter table orders add check ((data->'products'->*->>'product_id')::integer >= 1);
--                                               ^ like this

I know that this can be done by extracting products to a separate products table with a foreign key to orders. But I want to know if this is possible within single JSON column, so I can keep that in mind when designing a database schema.


So I asked this question on PostgreSQL mailing list, as suggested by Craig Ringer, and I've got the answer.

In short the solution is to write a procedure which materializes JSON array to PostgreSQL array:

create function data_product_ids(JSON) returns integer[] immutable  as $$
select array_agg((a->>'product_id')::integer) from
json_array_elements($1->'products') as a $$ language sql ;

and use that procedure in CHECK statment:

alter table orders add check (1 <= ALL(data_product_ids(data)));

For more details on how this works se the answer on PostgreSQL mailing list. Credits to Joel Hoffman.


From one of the developers of JSON for Postgres

The path stuff does not support wildcards.