I'm trying to flip a boolean flag for particular types of objects in my database using sqlalchemy+celery beats. But how do I access my orm from the tasks.py file?
from models import Book
from celery.decorators import periodic_task
from application import create_celery_app
celery = create_celery_app()
# Create celery: http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/0.10/patterns/celery/
# This task works fine
def celery_send_email(to,subject,template):
with current_app.app_context():
msg = Message(
return mail.send(msg)
#This fails
def release_flag():
with current_app.app_context(): <<< #Fails on this line
books = Book.query.all() <<<< #Fails here too
for book in books:
book.read = True
I'm using celery beat command to run this:
celery -A tasks worker -l INFO --beat
But I'm getting the following error:
raise RuntimeError('working outside of application context')
RuntimeError: working outside of application context
Which points back to the with current_app.app_context() line
If I remove the current_app.app_context() line I will get the following error:
RuntimeError: application not registered on db instance and no application bound to current context
Is there a particular way to access the flask-sqlalchemy orm for celery tasks? Or would there be a better approach to what I'm trying to do?
So far the only workaround which works was to add the following line after db.init_app(app)
in my application factory pattern:
db.app = app
I was following this repo to create my celery app https://github.com/mattupstate/overholt/blob/master/overholt/factory.py