I'm currently developing a .AAR android library and I would like to sign the released artifacts with my own key, so that I can determine if a fake aar with the same name and functionality has been released by mine or not.
Notice 1 :
I want to be able to check the authenticity of my library programmatically, even if a fakely-cooked one, is forging just part of the functionality of my aar file.
Notice 2 :
I am not going to publish this aar into maven, sonatype or any other public repository. So I'm going to sign it for a typical release flow like signing an apk file.
You can use jarsigner
to sign you aar
library, and you can use keytool
to generate the signing keys. Both tools are located in the embedded JDK that comes with Android Studio. Do the following to sign your library.
Generate a keystore with a key pair. You'll need to provide the certificate fields:
keytool -genkeypair -alias aarsign -keypass mypassword -keystore aarsign.keystore -storepass mypassword -v
Export the generated certificate into a PEM file:
keytool -exportcert -rfc -alias aarsign -file aarsign-public.pem -keystore aarsign.keystore -storepass mypassword -v
Create a keystore containing the certificate:
keytool -importcert -alias aarsign -file aarsign-public.pem -keystore aarsign-public.keystore -storepass mypassword -v
Sign the library:
jarsigner -keystore aarsign.keystore -storepass mypassword -keypass mypassword -signedjar lib-signed.aar -verbose lib.aar aarsign
Anyone who wishes to attest the authenticity of the library needs to obtain your certificate (or the keystore with it) in a reliable way, and enter this command:
jarsigner -keystore aarsign-public.keystore -storepass mypassword -verify -verbose -certs lib-signed.aar aarsign
It will give the message
jar verified.
with some warnings about certificate expiration and signature timestamp. You can get rid of these warnings by creating a stricter certificate. Refer to keytool
and jarsigner
There are two ways in which you can find out whether your library has been tampered: unmatching digests or unmatching certificate. If someone generates an aar
from a different source code or with different resources, the digest won't match and jarsigner
will warn, for example:
jarsigner: java.lang.SecurityException: invalid SHA-256 signature file digest for <file>
And, if someone provides a different certificate than your own, jarsigner
will warn:
This jar contains entries whose certificate chain is not validated.
This jar contains signed entries which are not signed by the specified alias(es).
This jar contains signed entries that are not signed by alias in this keystore.
You can generate it by execute:
./gradlew assembleRelease
Or from gradle menu, on the right side of the Android Studio, select YourLibraryProject->Tasks->Build->AssembleRelease.
But of course you need to add the signing key in your library project. Please read at Sign Your App
I haven't tried but this "should" work:
Create a block like this in your gradle config file for the aar you're going to create:
signedAar {
storeFile file("path/to/keystore")
storePassword "Password"
keyAlias "Alias"
keyPassword "AliasPassword"
then add this to the buildTypes -> release block of the same config file:
signingConfig signedAar.signedConfig
Let us know if this works
Because variant.signingConfig
doesn't work for me I have used
apply plugin: 'com.android.library'
android {
signingConfigs {
release {
storeFile file("${rootProject.projectDir}/keystore.jks")
storePassword "XXXX"
keyAlias "alias"
keyPassword "XXXX"
tasks.whenTaskAdded { task ->
if (task.name == 'assembleRelease') {
def aarPath = "${project.buildDir}/outputs/aar/XXX-release.aar"
task.doLast {
alias: android.signingConfigs.release.keyAlias,
jar: aarPath,
keystore: android.signingConfigs.release.storeFile,
storepass: android.signingConfigs.release.storePassword,
keypass: android.signingConfigs.release.keyPassword,
preservelastmodified: 'true')
alias: android.signingConfigs.release.keyAlias,
jar: aarPath,
keystore: android.signingConfigs.release.storeFile,
storepass: android.signingConfigs.release.storePassword,
keypass: android.signingConfigs.release.keyPassword)
Why don't you sha-256
hash your aar
file? even if someone messed around, the hash of the aar
changes and you'll get to know. it works for me ;)