How to leave the body of a lambda expression

2019-04-09 09:23发布


I have some list and I do list.ForEach( l => { ... something ...}). Now, on certain condition I need to stop iterating over the list, but break doesn't work - I get "Control cannot leave the body of an anonymous method or lambda expression" compilation error.

Any idea how to overcome that restriction?


Using break alone won't work here because the lambda executes in a different method than the for loop. A break statement is only useful for breaking out of constructs local to the current function.

In order to support a break style leave you'd need to add an overload of ForEach where the delegate can specify via a return value that loop execution should break. For example

public static void ForEach<T>(this IEnumerable<T> enumerable, Func<T, bool> func) {
  foreach (var cur in enumerable) {
    if (!func(cur)) {

Now a consumer of this ForEach method can specify a break by returning false from the provided callback

myCollection.ForEach(current => {
  if (someCondition) {
    // Need to break
    return false;
  // Keep going
  return true;


A lambda expression works just like a method.
It can return whenever you want.

However, List.ForEach does not offer any way to prematurely stop the iteration.
If you need to break, you just use a normal foreach loop.


You cannot stop iteration from within a ForEach lambda since you do not have control of the outer loop that is calling the lambda. At that point why don't you use a regular foreach loop and a break statement - that would be much more readable for this case.

标签: c# lambda