Wix-Installer-How can I get setup.exe's curren

2019-04-09 09:46发布


I'm using setup.exe and setupbld.exe (from %WixProramFolder%\bin)to make a bootstrapper for my installer. Everything is ok except: I want to get current directory of setup.exe but:

  1. When I use property "CURRENTDIRECTORY", I will get wrong value if I run command line in cmd.exe: "C:>"D:\setup.exe"". "CURRENTDIRECTORY" is "C:\" but "D:\" is true.

  2. When I use property "SOURCEDIR", setup.exe will extract setup.msi to "%Temp%{ProductID}\setup.msi" and "SOURCEDIR" is "%Temp%{ProductID}\" but expected is "D:\"

Anybody can help me? It make me headache this time :-( Sorry about my English.


I had this same issue last week with a DB backup that I needed to restore as part of the install. I didn't want to include in the installer as it is likely that it will be updated and even when compressed is ~168Mb.

In the end I included the file into the installer so that it got installed to the application install directory and set Compressed="no" on the file so it is an external dependency. This is not ideal but the only way I could get it to work.