From this question:-
and some other questions/google I got some results like:--
- ( limitations:- only thumbnails, max size is 200*200 pixels)
- (Limitations:-- No css formatting.)
- (Limitations:-- too slow, even pro account is too slow.)
Can you suggest me something really fast and powerful. I am ready to pay for it. Isnt google providing any api for it? as they are showing screenshots in results.
EDIT:-- Also I need something which capture complete home page. Not just one screen.
wkhmltopdf is the best API I've seen so far for that kind of stuff. it uses the Webkit rendering engine.
Here's the manual for wkhtmltoimage:
Following SleepyCod lead. I got the solution.
Following these links you can setup a high quality pdf's
gems and plugins installation guide.
Same way you can generate PNG's too. :-)
You can take a look at Browshot for real-time screenshots of any website. It can be used to capture the screen or the whole page. You can create a free accounts and try free screenshots. No limitation on the thumbnail size.
There is also a JavaScript library which is able to capture a screenshot of websites. I used it once and it was pretty handy. Take a look at it PhantomJS.
Take a look at this one:
cached entries are fetched fast, and new requests pretty much immediately.
There's a way to get complete pages also:
but there is no known API for that yet (rumours are that there will be one though)
The greatest thing is that you can even request own API:s if existing ones aren't ok.