Direct link to obtain a google custom search API k

2019-04-09 08:55发布


I have an API key that I use for Google custom search queries on the json search API that's here:

I need to send clients to a URL where they can each obtain a custom API key for their domains. However, I don't recall the URL I used to get my API key.

Does anyone know the most straight forward URL to send them to in order to obtain a key?

This one looks perfect:

But I'm not sure if that's the correct place for google custom search, since it refers to "Google Loader", which I'm not familiar with.


You can get an API key by visiting and clicking "API Access". You will then need to switch on the custom search API on the "Services" tab.


Wilfred's link got me started, but I didn't see the same thing as Wilfred. I had to click "Google APIs" (which links to here:, then "Credentials".

"Custom Search API" is also available on the "Google APIs" screen if you need more information.